For client projects, please reference:

Below are projects & references in the same spirit as my design practice.

ProperName best practices
// open-source project

I created guidelines for overcoming name-related mistakes made by products and services – specifically for the developers and designers that build them. It’s an open-source project (CC0) hosted on GitHub to make it easier for folks to contribute ideas & resources.

97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know
// O’Reilly Press

I am a contributing author to the 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know book. My chapter is “Put On Your InfoSec Hat to Improve Your Designs”.

Nineteen Fundamental Truths: Observations About NFTs
// self-published zine

A zine for people considering buying or selling NFTs, especially artists. Since NFTs are digital and exclusive, I figured the best response is something analog and inclusive. I’ve left these in random spots around the Bay Area.


Accessibility and constraints

People and the human condition

Content strategy

Data access and privacy

Useful design tactics