What makes a thing legit?

Hi! I’m Julie, an experienced Product Designer (UX/UI) available for short-term design projects and consultation. Make It Legit® reflects my philosophy of creating solutions that are legit in every sense: fundamentally user-centered while satisfying business goals and making the most of technical options.

I adapt quickly to new teams and products and work best in projects that need seniority on demand.

I also pursue my own design projects and art practice.

Got a project and need a designer?

I’ve worked in design teams of various sizes: large, small, and not-yet-existing. I start with your processes and tools, and along the way I build out whatever you need for your future designers to be successful. I know how designs and teams scale, and help you identify what skills match what you truly need.

I live in San José, CA (Pacific Time) and usually work on a part-time basis or in brief project sprints that I alternate with my own design projects & art practice.

Currently a designer, or looking to be one?

Happy to talk if you’re looking for advice, especially if you’re debating some of the bigger career decisions like “agency or in-house?” or “IC or management?”.

I ultimately created my own practice-focused career path so I could maximize my time on project work. Since 2014, I’ve split my time between design consulting & fine art. I originally studied computer science, and have always practiced an undercurrent of art.